Recommended Resources

Listed below are suggested tools, apps, websites,  & groups we recommend to you. Although these are not an exhaustive list, we feel that the info they provide is valuable. There are many sites that have incorrect information and that we don't recommend.

tools for your business

If you are on our team and in our area, we will always offer you a FREE scan.
The Itovi is a good way to not only build your business, but helpful to use personally for your own family's needs. You will always know what products they are needing at the moment. (Great for health issues and your next order.)

Please use our affiliate link to purchase and refer your down line and others.  We will send you a FREE Make and Take book by Jen O'Sullivan as our appreciation gift to you!

Click for Info 

Personal websites

There are numerous websites you can use for your YL business. Some have set pages (you cannot change them) and some you can change the pages to   suit you. We have used some of them, and have recently switched to Get Oiling-which we recommend with all the features. We now have our own members area for prospects, a new members training area, and a business builders area! 
You can also sign into the YL virtual office and click on member resources, and then link builder to get a link  that will send people directly to the YL page with your member number in it.  You can click here also

Below are some websites I am familiar with-and also a link to the Get Oiling site!

1. Young Living member sites -virtual office, under my account on the left, My YL website at the bottom.  You can start with these or a link. Didn't care for these. Not enough info in them, I thought.

2. YLDist-don't think you can change much
3. Marketing Scents-had this before Get Oiling
4. Get Oiling-so many features and plans. Campaigns to send out to your prospects, members,etc., follow-up reminder coach, vault area to set up with whatever you need for training, zoom classes, more

There is also a link at the bottom of the plans with simpler websites 
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Mobile Apps & websites

Reference Guide for Essential Oils
The EO Bar
Live Well with Young Living
Oily App
Oily Tools

WEBSITES: (you may send people to webiste for education and to our Free Classes page)
Young Living blog

Gro Workspace-excellent site with ready made newsletters, classes etc.
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Fb groups can be overwhelming or very beneficial. I have found these to be very helpful for answering questions, education, and learning.

Our Oily Lifestyle Team Group-private YL team members only-make sure you "friend" me to be added
Oily Lifestyle Education Group-for public-classes in units
Anointing Nations-upline Diamond Rhonda Favano
Essential Oil Club-Jim Bob Haggerton -Diamond chiropractor
The Human body and Essential Oils-Jen O'Sullivan
Grow-Jill Oncall
Going Silver and Beyond-Melissa Edens
Dr Doug Corrigan

Let me know if you have others that you like

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