We're so glad you landed on our page and are interested in better health!
We've always tried to keep our family healthy - gardens, natural supplements, eliminating junk food and toxins, etc.
Ten years ago, we were introduced to Young Living essential oils -and our whole "healthy lifestyle" changed! I had no idea what you did with oils-other than buy them in the store for those "burner things." We thought they were kind of "new agey" things when we heard about "frequency" etc. We had no idea your body even had frequencies!
With more research we found out some amazing facts that we were blind to:
1. Your body is much more complex than we originally thought and science is just discovering more.
2. Your body DOES have frequencies: a normal body is 68-72 MHz ; chronic sickness sets in about 45MHz and you are on your death bed around 25MHz.
3. Pure 100% grade essential oils work (not the ones you buy at the big box stores, etc). Pure oils have frequencies above the normal body range and help balance the body and raise its frequency
4. God gave us plants in the garden of Eden - He gave us "every herb bearing seed" and they are for the "healing of nations".
5. I believe this is what He wants us to use to maintain our health.
Most of the oils on the market today are synthetic or have been adulterated - even though the labeling says pure 100% therapeutic only 5% needs to be natural. That's our "truth in labeling" laws.
We chose Young Living oils because they are totally unique from all other oils on the market and here are some reasons why---
1. Young Living has been in business for over 30 years.
2. Young Living is the only essential oil company that owns their own farms and co-partner farms. Most other companies have to purchase their product somewhere and distill them elsewhere.
3. Young Living has a "Seed to Seal" guarantee where they guarantee that there are never any chemicals used in the growing, harvesting or the distillation process--just pure oils that work with all the hundreds of constituents found in each oil. YL also uses non-GMO seeds!
4. The "Seed to Seal" guarantee is above "organic". Did you know companies are allowed to say "organic" even though 40 pesticides are still allowed in them? Google it yourself. That's why it's important to know the company and the source of what you are using.
Dr. David Stewart's book "The Chemistry of Essential Oils" is an excellent book on the power of essential oils.
Our goal is to help others become enlightened on what they can do to improve their health and enjoy their life with better health and financial blessings!
It starts with the oils - they change everything. When you experience what these products can do for you and realize how many toxins you are exposed to everyday-and the health issues they can cause - then you want to get those unhealthy items out of your house! Young Living has over 600 products - all toxin free and designed with your health and wellness in mind!
If you want this too - then join us as we continue on this journey to health, wellness, and abundance!
We are committed to helping you feel great!
Eldon & Terry